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Adding Places and Things on Your Pass Build
Adding Places and Things on Your Pass Build

Learn how to add Places and Things to your Passes

J.G. Schirf avatar
Written by J.G. Schirf
Updated over a week ago

Adding Places and Things to Passes in Bandwango Admin

Getting passholders out and about to local communities is Bandwango's number one priority. That's why cultivating the activities and offerings you'd like passholders to experience is a crucial initial step in pass creation. Each pass type comes with predefined “Things” that participating “Places” will provide in order to join the program.

Now that you have some ideas about the “Places” and the “Things To Do” at these places we can begin adding this content to a mobile pass.

Accessing your Participating Places List in the Pass Builder

  1. Click “Passes”

  2. Search for the pass you are working on and click the Pencil icon to edit it

  3. A secondary menu will appear, click on “Places To Go”

This is where you’re going to be adding and creating your places!

Add “Places” to your pass on “Places To Go”

There are two ways to add Places to a pass:

  1. You can add New Places using the search bar shown below

    Follow this guide HERE to add venues via this method.

  2. You can also add any existing Place to your pass using the “+MY NETWORK” button.

    After clicking “+MY NETWORK” you can find any of the places you want to add to your pass using the search and filter options on this window.

    ​​​Once you’ve selected all the existing places, click “ADD”

    If any Place needs an update to its description, image, or name, you can click the pencil icon to open up the editing window.

Scroll down to learn about adding and managing the “Things” on your Passes

Check-In Validation Methods and Background

Check-ins are a interactable buttons on the mobile pass that allow users to “Check-In” to Places and receive points for prizes. Check-ins are a key component to our gamified passes, by default every location you add to a gamified pass will have a check-in created for it. Additionally, a check-in requires a validation method to be set in order to ensure the passholder has met all the necessary requirements to check-in.

We have a few different validation methods, these are:

  • Device GPS Validation
    Passholder must be within a determined geofenced radius to successfully check-in

  • Venue PIN Number
    Passholder must enter a 4-digit PIN code to successfully check-in

    Passholder uses their device to scan a QR Code to check-in successfully

  • Device GPS or PIN Validation
    Passholder has the option to enter either a 4-digit PIN OR check-in via a geofenced redemption.
    This option is generally recommended for passes located in areas with poor or unreliable cell reception, where users can enter the PIN after they visit the location.

Each check-in requires a validation method to be set. There is a setting that will set a default method for every location in a pass, but you can update this on a Place-by-Place basis on the “Places To Go” page.

Scroll the the next section to learn about managing Check-Ins

Managing, Updating, and Creating Check-Ins

Creating Check-Ins on Gamified Passes

  1. Check-Ins are created automatically for all Places on a gamified pass. The validation of these check-ins will be set according to the “Default Check-In Method” setting on the “Name” page in pass builder.

  2. When you add a Place to your Gamified Pass a check-in will automatically be created and added to your pass using the default check-in method. You can confirm the check-in validation method on both the “Places To Go” and “Inventory” pages.

    Places To Go


Updating or Changing Specific Check-Ins

After you add a place to your gamified pass, a check-in will automatically be created using the default check-in method. You can change any specific Place’s check-in directly on the “Places To Go” page.

  1. Navigate to the “Places To Go” page

  2. Click the Pencil Icon on any Place you want to update.

  3. Scroll down to the section labeled “Check-In” shown below

  4. If you would like to change the name of this check-in as it appears on the mobile pass update this field:

  5. You can change the validation method from the default method to any of the other options using this dropdown:

  6. If your check-in validation method is “Device GPS”, you can update the radius your passholder must be within to receive a check-in. Update that setting with this field

    NOTE: GPS Radius must be set between 0.25 and 10 miles for best results

  7. If your check-in validation method is “Venue Pin Number”, you can update the Place’s PIN with this field here:

    NOTE: A Place will only have one PIN, you cannot set different PINs per-pass.

🛠️ Can't Update the 4-digit PIN?

If you encounter this message, it means the Place participates on a pass in a different Partner Account. Please reach out to the business to update this in their Bandwango Merchant Hub or contact our Support Team for assistance.

Pass Types, Inventory, and Their Allowed “Things”

All of our mobile passes must use one of our five predefined pass-types. This ranges from a Free Savings Pass, a Gamified Check-In Challenge, and Attractions Passes. Each pass-type can only include “Things” from a preset Inventory Type.

Below is a table showing the types of passes and their allowed “Things” types.

Pass Type

Allowed Inventory Types

Free Savings Pass


Gamified Pass

Check-In, Coupon, Quizzes (in development)

Paid Attractions Pass

Admission Individual, Admission Pass, Coupon

Paid Tasting Pass

Food/Beverage Voucher, Coupon

Restaurant Week Pass

Culinary, Coupon

Add Inventory or “Things” to your Pass

Now that we’ve added “Places to Go”, we need to have “Things To Do” at these Places. Internally you may hear “Things” referred to as Products or Inventory, these are all the same.

Some of the “Things” you are adding to your pass may already exist in our system from a previous pass, others may need to be created entirely from new.

  1. Click “Inventory” to view the Inventory Page

  2. If you need create a new “Thing”, click “+ NEW”

  3. Follow the instructions in this guide create your new Thing: Creating Things in Bandwango Admin

  4. Once you’ve created a new “Thing” or if the “Thing” you want to add to your pass already exists in our system, click “+ EXISTING”

  5. You will see a window popup with a list of existing “Things”.

    NOTE: You will only see existing “Things” for “Places” that have been added to the “Places To Go” page

  6. Select the “Things” you would like to add to your pass and click “ADD”

Once all of your “Things” have been added to your pass don’t forget to SAVE!

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