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Create Prizes

Learn how to create new prizes in Bandwango's Experience Builder.

J.G. Schirf avatar
Written by J.G. Schirf
Updated over a week ago

This guide will show you how to create prizes in the Bandwango Experience Builder. These prizes can be used on any of the Gamified or Restaurant Week passes you create in our platform!

πŸ† You can create a new prize directly within a pass you are editing or at the global level

πŸ“š Scroll to the bottom of this guide or click here to learn how to set inventory limits on your prizes

  1. Click "πŸ† Prizes"

  2. Click "+ NEW PRIZE"

  3. Add the Name of your Prize

  4. Upload an image to showcase your prize
    ​Prize image dimensions are 384 x 192 px

  5. Add some Prize Highlights to inform your passholders.


  6. Add an optional Date Range

    These dates set when a passholder can claim this prize. Once the "Active Until" date has passed, your prize will be automatically removed from the mobile pass.

  7. Select a Fulfiller.
    If you are managing the purchasing, distribution, and fulfillment of this prize yourself, select "CLIENT".

    If Bandwango is managing the fulfillment of this prize, or if you are interested in learning more about our 3rd-Party fulfillment options, please reach out to your Success Manager for additional details.

  8. Choose your Delivery Method and enter additional details about your Shipping Details or Pickup Instructions

Understanding Inventory and Attributes

Sometimes you may only have a limited number of prizes available for your passholders. Othertimes, you may have multiple variations or options your passholders need to choose between. You may even have both a limited number and variations your customers need to choose from. This is all possible in Experience Builder!

If you have a prize with only one variant set an inventory amount here under "Quantity Available"

If your prize has multiple variants (like shirt sizes or color, for example) you will need to create Attributes for each variant.

  1. Click "+ ADD ATTRIBUTE"

  2. Click the green "+" to create a new attribute

  3. Enter an attribute Name.
    ​The other attribute fields are not used on prizes.

  4. Click "ADD"

  5. You can reorder how these variants appear on the mobile pass by dragging and dropping the attribute on this page

If your prize has multiple variants (like shirt sizes or color, for example) AND you need to limit the inventory of a specific or all variants enter that value in the "Inv. Limit" field


You've now created a prize! Click on any of the links below to continue learning how to manage your prizes.

  • Updating a Prize

  • Add my prizes to a mobile pass

  • Removing a prize from a pass

  • Removing my prize from all of my passes

  • Where to view my winners

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