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Everything Places

Everything else you need to know about Places in the Bandwango Experience Builder.

J.G. Schirf avatar
Written by J.G. Schirf
Updated over a week ago

What Are Places?

Incorporating local “Places” into your network is crucial for crafting engaging mobile experiences. These “Places” are the heart and soul of your destination! In our world these are businesses, points of interests, parks, hikes, murals, food trucks, or anything in between. Your “Places” offer unique products, services, and experiences that visitors seek out. Each added place brings diversity, authenticity, and new opportunities for exploration, ensuring that your passports cater to a wide range of interests and preferences.

💡 Before you create a mobile pass, you must add "Places To Go" in your network!

🏕️ Need to do something with your Places?

Follow our guides below to learn how to create, update, add, and remove Places to and from your passes.

🌲 You may want your Places to have a different name, image, or description depending on the mobile pass, like on a Holiday-themed experience or a scavenger hunt. This is all absolutely possible!

Read more about pass-specific names, images, and descriptions HERE

1 - Your Place's Name

This field can be edited if there's a discrepancy between Google's listed name and the name you have on record.

2 - Your Place's Address, Website, and Phone Number

If you created your Place via our Google search function, this information will automatically appear. If this is a manually created Place, you can edit and update the website and phone number.

🔔 If this information needs to change for any reason, it's highly recommended to contact the Place directly to update their Google Business information, as that is where most people will find them!

3 - Your Place's Description

This is the default description for your Place. If you invited this Place to join your pass and a description is already entered, it was likely entered by the Place's primary contact or already had a default description from a previous pass they were included on.
**3B - You can also auto-generate a Place's description with AI using the "Auto-generate" button.

4 - Your Place's Image

This is the default image for your Place. Click the ↩️ icon to upload and set a new one.

  • If this is a new Place in the Bandwango System, the image will default to a Google Image.

  • If this is an existing Place, there is a default image added by the Place's primary contact or from a previous pass they were included on.

⚠️ Google Images may not display what you had in mind to showcase your Place. If you add a custom image, you will not be able to go back to use the Google Image.

5 - Your Place's Categories

These are the categories assigned to your Place. These are used to help filter between participating locations on your mobile pass(es).

6 - Your Place's Map Location

Just as you were able to do when creating your place, if you need to adjust where this location appears on a map, you can drag and drop this pin here.

7 - Place's Check-In Information

If any of your passes require a 4-digit PIN to be entered for validation, you can edit this PIN here.

❗️ You may see a warning message indicating this Place is managed in a different Partner, if so, reach out to your Success Manager to assist with updating.

8 - This Place's Contacts

You can add and manage this Place's contacts here.

Verified Contacts - If you see a green badge by a registered contact this indicates they have an account in the Bandwango system.

Once all the Place’s information has been added, click “SAVE”

Updating an Existing Place in your Network

  1. Scroll or use the seach bar to find your desired Place

  2. Once you’ve found the Place you wish to edit, click the pencil icon ✏️

  3. This will open the Place's detail popup where you can edit any content as necessary.

Auto Generated Place Descriptions and Images

We're constantly innovating to streamline your experience! By leveraging generative AI and Google Images, adding any Place to your network becomes a breeze. Our AI generates a detailed description for each Place, while Google Images provide default visuals, making the process seamless and efficient.

⚠️ Google Images may not display what you had in mind to showcase your Place. If you add a custom image, you will not be able to use Google Images on your Place.

Use Our AI To Write Your Description

When editing a "Place's" Description you can click "Auto-Generate" to have our AI integration write a description for you.

📚 AI Descriptions are more accurate when the "Place" you are generating a description for is tied to a Google listing.

Manual Places VS Google Places

Help! My Place is Not Appearing in the Search Results…

Sometimes Places don’t have a Google Business listing, and that’s okay! At Bandwango, we call these types of places “Manual Places.” Many Points of Interest, such as Historical Sites, hikes, murals, statues, and parks do not have a Google Listing and a Manual Place must be created for these.

By default we always recommend using a "Place" from Google rather than create a Manual Place. This is because the Bandwango system will automatically pull important information from Google for any recognized place.

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