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Integration and Embed Troubleshooting
Integration and Embed Troubleshooting

Our most common troubleshooting steps and FAQs for website embeds and integrations

J.G. Schirf avatar
Written by J.G. Schirf
Updated over a week ago

This article covers some of Bandwango's most common troubleshooting steps for website integration and embedding.

You’re not seeing anything appear on your page

  1. Did you place Element 1 (the embed code) more than once on your page?

    1. If so, go back and delete the duplicates

  2. Did you only place Element 1 and not any modules from Element 2?

    1. You have to have Element 2 modules WITH the Element 1 code in order for anything to appear

  3. Did you try to place Element 1 as a tag in Google Tag Manager?

    1. This element is a piece of code and has to be added like an HTML element to the page in order for the modules to pull

  4. Element 1 is on the page once and Element 2 is underneath it, but there still isn’t anything on the page.

    1. Try flipping the order of the code so that your module elements (Element 2) are pasted above your Element 1 (embed code) in the HTML order

*If you’ve gone through all these options and are still having issues, send the live link to your CSS*

Adding text to the left of the Product Card

  • If you would like to add text to the left of the Product Card, you will need two columns on your landing page. You will then place the Product Card HTML in the right column and the text in the left content box. Note that some CMS providers do not allow for two columns on a page. In this case, you would need to place the text above or below the Product Card.

The highlights in the product card has double bullet points

  • Your CMS is identifying this copy as bullet points and adding them in. However, we already have bullets coded in! Our developers can fix this. Let your Client Success Manager know you’re seeing this issue and send them a link to the live page.

When you put the codes in and go to preview the page there’s nothing there. Then, when you go back into your page draft the codes are gone!

  • Your website code is stripping our website code! Oh no… Our developers can fix this. Let your Client Success Manager know you’re seeing this issue and send them a link to the live page.

The cart is overlapping with content that already exists on your website (social media icons, a toolbar, etc.)

  • We can move the position of this cart on the page. Let your Client Success Manager know you’re seeing this issue and send them a link to the live page.

The cart is appearing on our entire website instead of just one page.

  • Did you place the embed code in your Header or Footer? This embed code evokes the cart, so if you only want it on a specific page, you need to put the HTML code in the body of the page instead of in the header.

After we added the code in our website’s header or footer started appearing really weird on that page and doesn’t look pretty.

  • Looks like our code may have overwhelmed the page! Let your Client Success Manager know you’re seeing this issue and send them a link to the live page.

The text in the product card is appearing really really small or really really big.

  • This is a CSS adjustment we can make. Let your Client Success manager know how you’d like it to change.

We don’t like the color the cart, buttons or links are pulling in as.

  • This is a CSS adjustment we can make. Let your Client Success manager know what hex color you’d like certain items to be.

The elements appear really squished.

  • Does your website have custom width? These narrower widths can squish the elements. Unfortunately, if it’s your website’s structure, our elements are just adhering to that format. You might think about changing the page to a different width if possible. Contact your CMS provider if you have questions.

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